Świeże owoce papryki analizowanych odmian miały 93 -148 mg/100 g witaminy C, 11 - 52 mg/1000g N-NO3 i 0,13 - 0,32 mg/1000 g N-NO2. Straty witaminy C w okresie konserwowania były wyraźnie większe od strat spowodowanych 18 miesięcznym przechowywaniem konserw. Po 18 mies. przechowywania marynaty w zależności od próbki miały 22 - 59 mg witaminy C w 100 g produktu. Zawartość azotanów była nieco niższa od wykazanej w surowcu a azotynów nieznacznie wyższa.
The following native cultivars of field-grown sweet pepper were used for pickles: Bryza, Ino, Jantar, Kano, Kujawianka, Passat, Sono and Zefir. The raw material, the vegetables after blanching, and the pickles made of blanched and non-blanched material were evaluated directly after processing and after 6, 12 and 18 months of storage. Depending on cultivar, fresh sweet pepper fruit contained 93-148 mg vitamin C per 100 g, 11-52 mg N-NO3 per 1000 g, and 0.12-0.32 mg N-NO2 per 1000 g of the fruit. On the average, pickling reduced the content of vitamin C in relation to the raw material by 54% in the products made of non-blanched fruit and by 61 % in those made of blanched material; the content of nitrates was also reduced, while the content of nitrites was slightly higher in pickles made of blanched material. During the period of 18-month storage, vitamin C content slowly decreased to the level of 33-59 mg/100 g in pickles of non-blanched fruit and to 22-45 mg/100 g in those of blanched fruit. The content of nitrates and nitrites slightly varied, the content of nitrates showing a decreasing, and that of nitrites an increasing trend in relation to the content of those chemicals in the raw material.