The aim of the study was to assess an effect of incubation temperature (36.4, 36.7, and 37.1°C) on hatching performance of emu. The fewest dead embryos (13.7%) were found in group I with the lowest incubation temperature. Raising the temperature by 0.3°C and 0.7°C in, respectively, group II and III reduced the hatchability indices, primarily due to an increased rate (by approx. 12%) of dead embryos in both groups. Temperature significantly influenced the duration of incubation period, as well as duration of hatching. Incubation at the highest temperature took the shortest time (49.9 days), whereas that at the lowest temperature lasted longest (51.5 days). A reversed pattern was found in the case of hatching duration, which at the higher temperature expanded by 282 minutes in group II and by 406 minutes in group III, as compared with group I.