Analizowano 30 szczepów E. coli. Typowanie serologiczne wykonano metodą aglutynacji szkiełkowej i przy użyciu testów lateksowych. Na podstawie analizy 35 reakcji metabolicznych, wykazano różnice w aktywności bioche#micznej szczepów wobec 12 substratów. Nie stwierdzono zróżnicowania biochemicznej aktywności szczepów E. coli O157: H7. Wykazano przydat#ność podłoża SMAC oraz podłoży z odczynnikiem MUG do identyfikacji pałeczek okrężnicy należących do tego typu serologicznego.
The purpose of this paper has been to describe the biological characteristics of thirty strains of E. coli. The E. coli strains were isolated from cases of colibacillosis in animals and from human faeces and cow milk samples. Of the thirty analyzed strains, 19 strains (63%) werw found to belong to 7 serogroups: O8, O101, O138, O141, 0147, 0149 and 0157. In 17 strains (57%) fimbriae F4 was discovered and in 1 strain (3%) the presence of fimbriae F5 and F 41 was detected. Serological and biochemical researches, based on the analysis of 35 enzymatic reactions, confirmed that all strains, used in this study, belonged to the species E. coli. The starins demonstrated differences in biochemical activity for 12 substrates. It was found that strains of serotype O157: H7 had biochemical homogeneity, except in their rate of sucrose fermentation and their ability to hydrolyze arginine and sorbitol after longer incubation. On the basis of the biochemical activity, O157: H7 strains were affiliated with biotype C. In identifying serotype O157: H7, SMAC medium with sorbitol and liquid and solid media with MUG reagent were very useful.