Rzeka Rudawa jest źródłem wody pitnej dla Krakowa. Zlewnia tej rzeki (Wyżyna Krakowsko-Częstochowska) posłużyła jako model do oceny zagrożenia jakości wód dorzecza ze strony użytkowników zlewni oraz do oceny skuteczności instrumentarium ochrony wód. Instrumentarium to okazuje się być sprawne w eliminacji zanieczyszczeń punktowych, bardzo mało sprawne w eliminacji zanieczyszczeń rozproszonych i w ogóle niesprawne w eliminacji zanieczyszczeń punktowych, bardzo mało sprawne w eliminacji rolniczych zanieczyszczeń obszarowych. Przedstawiono propozycję niezbędnych zmian w instrumentarium, które ograniczę wpływ zanieczyszczeń na jakość wód ujmowanych dla celów wodociągowych.
The Rudawa-rivers the source used for providing Kraków with potable water. The drainage basin of Rudawa in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland was taken as a model for appraising the endangerement to the water quality of river-basin by the users of drainage basin and for the analysis of the efficiency of the instrumentarium (assembly of instruments considered as a unit) for water protection which is now operating in Poland. The analysis of physico-geographical conditions and anthropogenic factors in the drainage basin was a background for presentation of the influence of the use of drainage basin on the quality of water. Domestic sewage deriving from the unsewered settlement units, located for the most part, in natural watercourse valleys (Fig. 1) have supplied the greatest pollutant load (Table 1), the presence of numerous email point sources of pollotion, mainly in the upper part of the basin (Fig. 2) equipped with sewage treatment facilities, had a weaker negative influence on the water from Rudawa. Typic2ily agricultural use of the basin was a cause of a strong impact of surface pollution in the period of midwinter thaving weather (Table 2). The quality of water from Rudawa did cot correspoond to the norm in the range of N-NO3, PO4, BZT5 and of the etheric extrsct (Fig. 3). The article contains a short characteristics of legal, economic, technical and social instruments created for protection of water resources in Poland, as well as their efficiency analyzed on the example of the drainage basin of Rudawa-river. Some actions have been proposed which will improve ihe efficiency of the instrumentarium for water protection.