Wykazano przydatność chromatografu gazowego Varian Aerogra/2860 do oznaczania metanolu w pełnej krwi. Stwierdzono, że stosując odpowiednie parametry pracy można oznaczać metanol we krwi z dobrą precyzją (V = 6,6%) i dobrą dokładnością (odzysk = 98,3%) na kolumnie z Porapakiem Q, jako fazą stacjonarną.
Methanol content of whole blood was analysed by gas chromatography on a Varian 2860 apparatus using Porapak Q column packing. A linear relationship was shown to exist between detector response and methanol concentrations within the range 0.2 to 2.0 mg/ml. Sample supernatants from precipitated blood containing acetonitrile as the internal standard were injected directly on column with Porapak Q. Under optimal conditions of the procedure (temperatures: 150°C injection port, 115°C column, 160°C detector; flow rates: 48 cm3/min. N2, 40 cm3/min H2, 240 cm3/min air) the precision of the method in terms of day-today coefficient of variation was 6.6%, with methanol recovery as high as 98.3%. The utility of the method was confirmed by determining, at different times since the exposure, levels of methanol in the blood of rats exposed to a dose of 2.8 g/kg.