Zawartość rtęci oznaczano w wybranych warzywach, owocach i produktach zbożowych Z terenu Legnicy. Ilości tego pierwiastka w badanej żywności były niskie, nie przekraczały norm ustalonych przez polskie ustawodawstwo.
The content of mercury was determined in 250 vegetable, 41 apple and 115 cereal samples purchased in Legnica in the period 1994-1996. The content of mercury was determined by flameless SAA „cold vapour" method after wet digestion. Mercury content in the studied vegetables (red beet, onion, cabbage, carrot, cucumber, parsley root, tomato, radish, lettuce, celery) ranged from 0.36 µg/kg to 5.59 µg/kg. The lowest mercury levels were found in cucumbers (0.34 ÷ 1.90 g/kg) and the highest in celery (2.39 ÷ 5.79 µg/kg). In the potatoes, mercury content was from 0.24 µg/kg to 1.43 µg/kg and in the apples from 0.36 µg/kg to 1.66 µg/kg. Mercury content in the studied cereals, expressed in µg/kg, ranged as follows: bread 1.68 ÷ 8.33; flour 0.71 ÷ 5.00; macaroni 1.56 ÷ 4.29; groat 0.90 ÷ 1.80. The content of mercury in studied products from Legnica was low and did not exceed the maximum allowable value specified by relevant Polish regulations.