Oceniono zawartość rtęci i selenu w mleku surowym pochodzącym od krów z rejonów uprzemysłowionych (LGOM i GOP) oraz ekologicznie czystych (Kotlina Kamiennogórska). Średnie zawartości Hg byty niskie i nie różniły się statystycznie istotnie między poszczególnymi rejonami. Najwyższą koncentrację Se stwierdzono w rejonie Kotliny Kamiennogórskiej, a najniższą w rejonie GOP. Różnice między rejonami były statystycznie istotne (p< 0,05). Współczynnik korelacji między stężeniem Se i Hg wyniósł r = 0,207 i był statystycznie nieistotny.
Mercury and selenium levels were determined in raw cow milk collected in autumn from 48 clinically healthy 3 to 12 years old cows at various phases of lactation, bred in the province of Silesia. The cows were bred in the farms specialising in the production of milk, located in 3 regions of Silesia: A - industrialised region (in the vinicity of Rudna and Polkowice), 18 cows from 3 villages; В - farming region (in the vinicity of Kamienna Góra), 14 cows from 10 villages; C - industrialised region (in the vicinity of Tychy and Zawiercie), 16 cows from 4 suburban villages. Selenium was determined by ICP-MS on an UltraMass 700 spectrometer after mineralization the milk samples by microware (MDS-2000 station). Mercury was determined by ASA (AMA-254 analyser). The highest Hg concentrations were detected in the raw milk samples collected from region C (x = 2.04 µl), and the lowest in region В (1.47 µl), the admissible value was 10 µl. The differences between regions А, В and C were not statistically significant. The highest Se concentrations were found in the region B (x = 43.25 µl), while the lowest Se concentrations were detected in region C (22.2 µl). The difference between the regions was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Insignificant positive correlation was found between concentrations of Hg and Se at r - 0.207. Further studies involving larger number of cows, performed during various seasons of the year are required to obtain a more comprehensive Hg and Se distributions in cow milk from the Silesia province.