Hepcydyna jest hormonem peptydowym, wyizolowanym początkowo z ludzkiej krwi i moczu, a następnie z wątroby. Poznano rolą hepcydyny w regulacji wchłaniania żelaza w przewodzie pokarmowy i jego uwalniania z makrofagów. Także rola żelaza w ekspresji hepcydyny zostala określona.
The main role of iron is its part in the haemoglobin composition where it stabilizes its level. However, iron also plays a very important role in immunological processes. Hepcidin is a peptid hormone. It was first isolated from human blood and urine and its release was attributed to the liver. The lack of hepcidin production was connected with the organism overloading with iron and its excess with anaemia caused by iron deficit. Hepcidin was identified as a regulator which communicates the state of iron reserve in the organism with intestine cells responsible for the absorption. It decreases the absorption of iron in the intestines and increases the secretion of iron to the reticuloendothelial system. Experiments on animals deprived of hepcidine and with its excess allow the understanding of the dependence of iron homeostasis and confirm the role of hepcidin as a hormone regulating the iron metabolism.