Nearly 200 hectares of grasslands in “Majątek Rogalin” (the Rogalin Estate) are situated on the Warta River floodplain, about 17 miles south of Poznań. Six positions of protected species have been found here. There are 10 regionally endangered species, while in the whole country – eight. Eighty-three plant communities belonging to 15 classes in phyto-sociological terms have been identified. Due to habitat conditions and manner of use, rushes of Phragmitetea rushes (18), Molinio-Arrhenatheretea grasslands (18), and Artemisietea vulgaris herbaceous species (12) are the most abundantly represented. Natural arrangements predominate (nearly 68%), but semi-natural ones (19%) are also numerous. A total of 30 phytocenons (over 37%) are endangered. Following items are directly threatened with extinction (E): poplar riparian forest Populetum albae, herbaceous plants Veronico longifoliae-Euphorbietum lucidae, and cnidion meadow Violo stagninae-Molinietum caeruleae. Poplar riparian forest is very rare, and 15 associations are counted to rare ones. There have been 33 communities representative for 10 protected habitat types, including three – the priority ones. Considering the surface, following meadows dominate: Stellario palustris-Deschampsietum cespitosae and Rumici-Alopecuretum pratensis, in which 20–23 species have been reported. Cnidion meadows are much more abundant (from 29 to 42 species). Natural and cultural values of the area were noticed a long time ago, which was reflected in numerous publications and proposals for protection: Rogalin Landscape Park, nature and landscape area “Rogalin Łęgi”, Natura 2000 – Rogalin Warta River Valley, and together with the Wielkopolski National Park “The Special Protection Area – Rogalin Refuge”. “Majątek Rogalin” implements the environmental programs, which means that farming is subordinated to nature conservation. Active protection and maintaining the traditional way of management contribute to the preservation of existing natural values .