The damage (irregular galls of different sizes on the plant roots) caused by root-knot nematodes (Meloidogynidae) is a general problem in greenhouses in Hungary. The effect of the microbiological plant protection product Trifender and the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora on the degree of damage caused by root-knot nematodes, has been investigated in greenhouse pepper. We set up our experiment in Pusztamonostor (Jászság region, Hungary) on a family farm, in 2008 and 2009. We carried out a preliminary evaluation (Zeck-scale; 0-10) in the pre-crop with symptomatic assessment. According to the preliminary evaluation, the infection in the case of Trifender showed rates of 2-3, and the A. olygospora showed rates of 3-4, on average. The results of 2008 show that Trifender had no effect on the number of females, but plant height increased by 12% and 15%, and yield grew by 25-35%. In 2009, the number of females decreased by 33%, and plant height increased by 11% and 18%. In 2008, in the case of A. oligospora, there was no effect on the number of females, but plant height increased by 6%. In 2009, the number of females decreased by 35%.