The aims of the work was the inventory of owls within the area of the Kampinos National Park, being the largest forest in Central Poland (35 000 ha). Extensive pine forests on dunes, alder swamps, marshes and open areas in depressions are characteristic elements of the Kampinos N.P. Tree stands not elder than 60 years (61%) are predominant in the forests of the Park. Pine forests constitute 57%. The research was carried out between 17th February and 30th May 1984. Strix aluco and Athene noctua were censused on area of 157 km² (plot A), Asio otus on 17 km² (plot B) - see Fig. 1. Forest comprised 60% of area A, and 82% of area B. The mapping method was used for censusing owls (Domaszewicz et al. 1984), vocal stimulation was applied. Species with diurnal activity could be omitted. Strix aluco, Athene noctua and Asio otus were recorded in the investigated area. Distribution of Strix aluco territories was irregular. Preference on this species to old woodstands was evident and there the density was 13 pairs/10 km² (Table 1). Density calculated for the total forest area was lower (4.7-5.1 pairs/10 km²), due to the large percentage of young tree stands. The density of Athene noctua was high - 0.6 pairs/10 km², and in relation to woodless areas - 1.5 pairs/10 km². All pairs were found near inhabited or abondoned villages. Density of Asio otus (3.5 pairs/10 km² of the total area, 4.3 pairs/10 km² of the forest) was very high, in spite of the fact, that the year of the study was not a rodent peak year. All pairs inhabited dense forest complexes - none were found in wood clumps in open area.