The changes in the Common Agricultural Policy have been introduced since the 90 s. of the 20 th century, leading to reforms including higher environmental standards. The application of good agricultural practices or cross-compliance principles is mandatory for the farmers who are interested in obtaining additional funds for their activity. Conditional agricultural subsidizing emphasises the role of the agricultural holdings in the natural environment. There is a need for creating comprehensible indicators that will enable synthetic evaluation of agricultural holdings sustainability, including its internal organisation (interconnection between plant and animal production) and the relationship with the natural environment. The main purpose of the paper was estimation of the sustainability level of the agricul- tural holdings and factors determining this phenomenon on the basis of FADN data. The research involves 11 283 agricultural holdings covered by FADN system in 2008. There were 6 types of farming of agricultural holding considered in this analysis, namely: specialist fieldcrops (type 1), specialist grazing livestock (type 4), specialist granivores – feed on grain (type 5), mixed crops (type 6), mixed livestock (type 7), various crop and livestock (type 8).