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2019 | 163 | 08 |

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Wpływ trzebieży na przyrost radialny dębu w Nadleśnictwie Międzyrzec


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Effect of thinning on radial increment of oak in Miedzyrzec Forest District

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The intermediate cuttings have an important impact on the stand structure and productivity. Choosing the right method of the treatment performance is the decision, which is fundamental in shaping tree stands stability. The radial increment, apart from the natural growth potential of particular species, is influenced by many abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic factors, among which one can distinguish those that influence it directly, e.g. thinning. The study objective was to determine the effect of silvicultural treatments on the increment reaction of oak (Quercus sp.) stands in the Międzyrzec Forest District (eastern Poland). The empirical material was collected in six forest stands located in the Witoroż forest range. In each stand we cored 10 dominant and co−dominant trees (representing 1st and 2(sup)nd Kraft’s biosocial classes). After the measurements of the tree−ring widths and the synchronization of incremental series, the raw and standard chronologies were elaborated for each stand. In total, we analysed 8 treatments: six early and one late selection thinnings, and one late salvage thinning (tab. 1). For each treatment, three− and five−years’ value of mean tree−ring width was calculated for the period before and after the cut. Additionally, we calculated the incremental response parameters: recovery (Rc), resilience (Rs) and resistance (Rt) indices. For the majority of the analysed treatments, the cuts resulted in an increase in average tree−ring width both in the 3−, and 5−years perspective. However, statistically significant changes in this parameter occurred only in a few cases (fig. 2). The average values of incremental response indicators show that the investigated oak stands are characterized by a significant adaptive capacity and a rapid recovery of incremental capacity in the analysed time spans. At the same time, the low values of Rt index suggest that their growth resistance to disturbance caused by the thinning is rather low. The age of the stand at the time of the treatment significantly affected the incremental response parameters of the examined oaks. The older the stand, the incremental response was less intense.









Opis fizyczny



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