Cauliflower is grown in all the agro climatic zones of India, accounting for an area of 3.9 lakh hectares with production of 73.4 lakh tones. Hence, studies are to be undertaken to identify genotype and analyze the physical characteristics among the cultivated genotypes (Namdhari Seeds 60 N, Namdhari Seeds 133, Pusa Meghna and Basant) grown under hills and plains of Kerala, India. In this study, significant differences were observed in yield of cauliflower which ranged from 21 – 26.4 kg /16 m2 in hills and 0.78 – 1.43 kg /16 m2 in plains. Among the cauliflower genotypes, NS 133 was found to be the best for hilly region in early yield and yield attributes. The cauliflower genotype NS 133 exhibited better performance in hills in terms of high curd yield (26.4 Kg /16 m2), curd weight (800 g) and curd height (13.93 cm). In general, harvest maturity was delayed by 39 – 45 days in the plains as compared to higher altitudes. The cauliflower genotypes which exhibited superior performance in hills and plains were selected for further sensory evaluation studies. In this study cauliflower genotype NS 60N recorded superior organoleptic qualities when grown in plains than hilly region. However in the case of genotype NS 133, the differences in sensory qualities between produce from hills and plains were not significant.