Opisano nowe stanowisko wyblinu jednolistnego Malaxis monophyllos (L.) Sw. (Orchidaceae) w Polsce północno-zachodniej, na obszarze, na którym gatunek ten uznawany był za wymarły. Nowo odkryte stanowisko położone jest w Borach Tucholskich, na terenie rezerwatu przyrody „Miedzno” (ATPOL CB69). Niewielką populację tego gatunku stwierdzono w olsie porzeczkowym Ribeso nigri-Alnetum. Skład florystyczny fitocenozy, w której rośnie wyblin, udokumentowano zdjęciem fitosocjologicznym
A new site of Malaxis monophyllos has been found in northwestern Poland. It is a rare orchid associated with humid, swamp forests and peat bogs. The arrangement of sites in Poland is irregular − with clear groupings in southern and northeastern Poland, and no sites in the Polish Central Lowlands and in the north-west part of the country (Bernacki 2001). Malaxis monophyllos has retreated from locations in northwestern Poland where it is considered extinct (Żukowski, Jackowiak 1995; Piękoś Mirkowa, Mirek, 200; Markowski, Buliński 2004). The threat of extinction is much lower in southern Poland compared to northern Poland (Bernacki 2001). In recent years, new sites of the species have been reported – in the southern and northeastern part of Poland. The newly discovered site is located in the Tuchola Forest region in the nature reserve “Miedzno”. The species location is described by geographic coordinates 53°37′7,5″N and 18°24′24,2″E also ATPOL grid square CB69. The population of M. monophyllos consists of 15 individuals and occurs over an area of ca. 200 m2 in the Ribeso nigri-Alnetum association. At most sites in Poland, the species populations are not abundant and consists of only a few individuals (Bernacki 2001). There is a good chance to preserve the M. monophyllos population in the identified habitat. The sites with Malaxis monophyllos appears to be well protected due to its location within the protected area of alder woods and peat bogs with stable hydrological conditions