Reports of the deliberations of the round table conference. 1. The impact of animal husbandry on the epidemiology of helminth diseases in domestic ruminants. 2. The use of radiation-attenuated organisms in the control of human diseases. 3. Cysticercosis/taeniosis and echinococcosis/hydatidosis prevention and control. Memoirs of Fourth International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA-IV, Warsaw, 19-26 August 1978)
Otchety soveshhanijj konferencijj kruglogo stola. 1. Vlijanie sovremennykh tekhnologijj vzrashhivanija na ehpizooticheskie aspekty gel'mintozov domashnikh zhivotnykh. 2. Primenenie oslablennykh radiaciejj organizmov dlja bor'by s parazitozami cheloveka. 3.Profilaktika i bor'ba s cisticerkozom (cysticercosis/taeniosis) i ehinokokkozom (echinococcosis/hydatidosis). Memuar IV Mezhdunarodnogo Kongressa Parazitologii (ICOPA-IV, Varshava, 19-26 VIII 1978)