W opracowaniu przedstawiono czynniki wpływające na zróżnicowanie przestrzenne obszarów wiejskich. Szczególny nacisk położono na wskazanie obszarów najtrudniejszych, a więc tych, na których skumulowało się najwięcej barier ograniczających ich rozwój. Analiza dotyczyła 2122 jednostek terytorialnych i objęła cały obszar wiejski kraju. W szczegółowych badaniach wybrano i porównano po 4 gminy o skrajnych charakterystykach.
Rural areas manifest a considerable growth potential diversification in Poland. In connection with the above, it was attempted to prepare a synthetic description and an analysis of the socio-economic diversification of Polish rural areas and of their growth potential before accession to European structures. The basic aim was to distinguish those rural areas where there is a considerable cumulation of barriers to growth making it impossible to achieve growth based on their own potential. All communes (gmina) were covered by the research (more than 2100 units at the lowers administrative level). Three methodologically independent synthesis procedures were applied to fractional results: the sum of weighted results of fractional measurements, the number of the most unfavourable results of a given unit, repeating combination of unfavourable results. It was revealed that irrespectively of the method applied, a nearly identical set of communes was obtained representing about 15 percent of units under research. An analysis of this set proved that it is composed of communes where there are barriers to growth in nearly all analysed fields requiring an external individual assistance. Moreover, it embraces groups of communes where there are specific combinations of barriers to growth only in certain analysed fields. It means that the external assistance should be directed to particular fields.