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2006 | 28 | 4 |

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Patterns of convictions and burnout


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The purpose of this article is to outline the relationship between personal convictions and the professional burnout syndrome; particularly we are interested in the issue of how the individual’s conyictions may increase the danger of professional burnout. First of all we will draw attention to the enormous influence of personal convictions on our cognitive processes, emotions and behaviour. In this article we focus particularly on the role of convictions in the context of control phenomena. That is why we describe the burnout relation with such patterns as: convictions of having control (behavioural and cognitive), acquired helplessness, sense of self-efficacy, locus of control. We also draw attention to the role of convictions with reference to other people, one’s own profession and the meaning of work. The issue of a person’s convictions can be considered from the point of view of burnout factors, as well as from that of some of its symptoms components.

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  • Institute of Applied Psychology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland


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