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Łubin biały (Lupinus albus L.) - historia udomowienia i postępu biologicznego


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White lupin (Lupinus albus L.) - history of domestication and biological progress

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Łubin biały jest najdłużej znanym gatunkiem uprawnym spośród rodzaju Lupinus. Bardzo duża zawartość białka, a zwłaszcza tłuszczu w nasionach sprzyjała jego wykorzystaniu w żywieniu ludzi przez tysiące lat, pomimo dużej zawartości gorzkich alkaloidów. Dopiero w 1930 roku uzyskano formy niskoalkaloidowe. Pierwsze próby hodowli łubinu białego w Polsce miały miejsce w latach 50. ubiegłego wieku w Zakładzie Doświadczalnym IHAR w Przebędowie, a następnie w SHR w Wiatrowie. Uzyskano odmiany słodkie, odporne na Fusarium, o skróconym okresie wegetacji, termoneutralne, samokończące, a w Europie także ozime i karłowate. Obecnie na świecie prowadzi się na niewielką skalę badania nad wytworzeniem form GMO i pojedyncze próby wykorzystania heterozji w łubinie. Do stale ważnych kierunków w hodowli łubinu białego należą też odporność na suszę i antraknozę, jakość nasion, ograniczenia opadania kwiatów i zawiązków strąków oraz wczesność, a także poszukiwanie cienkich ścian strąków i okrywy nasiennej oraz źródeł genetycznej odporności na Phomopsis sp.
The primary centre of origin of white lupin is situated in south-eastern Europe and western Asia, and the secondary once in Ethiopia and Kenya as well as and in the Atlantic islands (the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands). The high content of protein and fat in the seeds especially encouraged its use for human consumption for thousands of years, despite the high content of bitter alkaloids. White lupin is completely domesticated species of the Lupinus genus and was cultivated for thousands of years for human consumption. In 1930 the first forms of low-alkaloid content in seeds of white lupin were achieved in Germany. Significant research on lupins took place after World War I and resulted in breeding of sweet cultivars with high protein and fat content in seeds in temperate climate of Europe. Breeding of white lupin for seeds in Poland started in 60-70 years ago in the Plant Breeding Stations Przebędowo and Wiatrowo. Sweet cultivars resistant to Fusarium, with shorter vegetation period, thermoneutral, self-completing, and in western and southern Europe - also winter-sown and dwarf were obtained. There are only two cultivars of white lupin Butan - traditional and thermoneutral and Boros - self-completing one, which yields up to 20% lower. The EU Catalogue includes 22 varieties from 9 European countries. Currently, white lupin has the highest seed yield potential among lupin species. However, its disadvantage is the significant susceptibility to anthracnose. Modern breeding of lupin uses the genetic material of already existed cultivars and wild forms as well as natural and induced mutation in order to expand genetic variation. The world is carried out on a small scale study on developing forms of GMOs and the use of heterosis in lupin. So far no positive results had also obtained using interspecies hybrids. A small natural intraspe-cific variability and implemented to a limited extent modern methods of biotechnology and molecular cytogenetics (micropropagation, somatic embryogenesis, protoplast culture, transformation, androgenic etc.), in vitro cultures etc. create a significant barrier in the biological progress in lupin. To permanently important goals in white lupin breeding are also resistant to drought and anthracnose, seed quality, abortion of flowers, buds and pods, as well as seeking the thin walls of the pod and seed coat and of sources of genetic resistance to Phomopsis sp. In spite of significant achievements in lupin genetics, the breeding methods are mainly based on the use of genetic resources of cultivars already registered. Meanwhile, Europe and the world use more advanced breeding techniques. However, the future intensification of breeding and cultivation of white lupin are not optimistic both in Poland and in Europe because of significant restrictions on breeding programs as well as and feeble demand for seeds.

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