The purpose of the experiments was to evaluate the effectiveness of superovulation induction in sheep by the use of porcine pituitary gonadotrophins with a defined FSH : LH ratio at determined dosages. The drug Pluset (Serono, Italy) was administered to a total dose of 56 Polish Mountain sheep in dosages of 250 iu (18 ewes), 500 iu (19 ewes) and 750 iu (19 ewes). Oestrus and ovulation were synchronized by means of a 14 day application of intravaginal sponges (Chronogest, Intervet) containing 30 mg PGA. Pluset was administered intramuscularly twice a day for 3 days in diminishing doses. The application of Pluset provoked superovulation in 75% of ewes. The ewes injected 250 iu produced an average of 7.6 corpora lutea in their ovaries and 6.3 embryos were recovered of which 4.3 were suitable for transfer. When the ewes received 500 iu of Pluset they had 8.5 corpora lutea and 7.5 embryos, 4.1 of which could be transferred. At a dosage of 750 iu 8.3 corpora lutea were observed and 7.6 embryos could be recovered of which an average 5.2 were normal (p ≥ 0.05).