Region Świętokrzyski obejmuje Góry Świętokrzyskie, a więc bardzo interesujący teren zasługujący na uwagę ze względu na piękno krajobrazu i dużą liczbę ciekawych zabytków kultury. Naturalnymi bogactwami tego regionu są lasy i surowce mineralne. Warunki przyrodnicze rozwoju rolnictwa w regionie wykazują znaczną zmienność przestrzenną. Region Gór Świętokrzyskich stanowi dość specyficzny obszar ze względu na swoją wielofunkcyjność oraz bardzo duży udział obszarów objętych różnymi formami ochrony przyrody, znaczne zasoby siły roboczej i niezbyt korzystne warunki dla produkcji rolniczej.
The Kielce province is a region including the Saint Cross Mountains, with an area of 9.211 km2 and a population of 1.137,2 thousand. The Świętokrzyski Region is very interesting and unique in Poland due to its beautiful landscape and lots of interesting monuments of culture. Natural resources of The Świętokrzyski Region are forests and mineral resources. In this region there are also many monuments of Polish history and culture as well as relics of the past. This values determine its protective, scientific, tourist and didactic functions. The Świętokrzyski Region has been a matter of interest and research of many scientists of various branches. This region has a large-dimensional system of protective areas. This system comprises nearly 80% of total area. The agriculture function is very important to this area. The natural and economic conditions of agriculture development in The Świętokrzyski Region are not very good. There have been agrotourist farms in the Kielce province for a few years. Most of farms in this area have small surface and sometimes are not economic and profitable. Because of this, lots of farmers must do extra work. This extra work can consist in providing accommodation for tourists. This region has always been visited by lots of tourists from various parts of Poland. There have been agrotourist farms in this region since 1993. Agro- and ecotourism is a real opportunity for the farmers in The Świętokrzyski Region which can ameliorate their difficult economic situation.