During an 18 day test, we measured the cytokine mRNA expression (Interleukin-1β [IL-1β], Interleukin-8 [IL-8], Interferon-γ [IFN-γ], Tumor Necrosis Factor-α [TNF-α]) of cells from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid [BALF] in five horses previously diagnosed with RAO, before and during challenge exposure, and after the desensitization phase which involved dexamethasone treatment and environmental modification. Simultaneously, the same cytokine mRNA expression of cells from BALF in four asymptomatic RAO-affected horses maintained outdoors was analyzed. An evident respiratory distress was observed in the challenge group within 3 days, with a significant overexpression of IL-8 and TNF-α mRNA on the ninth day. The pharmacological and environmental desensitization provided a down regulation of all the cytokines. No statistical modification characterized the cytokine kinetics of the asymptomatic horses maintained outdoors. A comparison for each time point of the cytokines between the exposed and unexposed horses showed no significant differences. The study suggested that a standardized exposure protocol and sampling time in experimental studies of RAO is mandatory for a correct comparison of the results obtained by different Authors. However, the absence of significant changes between the exposed and unexposed horses could depend on the lack of the sample uniformity since the evolution of the disease represents a continuum from a healthy to a pathological condition.