W pracy przedstawiono ewolucję żywienia loch na podstawie norm żywienia w aspekcie poprawy ich produkcyjności i optymalizacji kondycji, które stanowią o długowieczności i wysokiej produkcyjności życiowej. Omówiono zalecenia żywieniowe dla loch prośnych i karmiących na przestrzeni półwiecza, zwracając uwagę na ich zróżnicowanie w czasie. Podkreślono, iż podstawą zmian są przesłanki produkcyjne i ekonomiczne. Prowadzone od lat prace ukierunkowano na poprawę cech rozrodu świń; konsekwencją zwiększonej płodności, przy niedoborach żywieniowych i zaburzeniach hormonalnych, mogą być zakłócenia prenatalnej miogenezy oraz wzrostu i rozwoju potomstwa w okresie postnatalnym. Różnorodna suplementacja paszy loch pozwala ograniczyć skalę problemu. Intensywnie użytkowane lochy nowoczesnych genotypów wymagają w poszczególnych fazach cyklu rozrodczego szczególnej dbałości w zakresie optymalizacji żywienia. Warunkuje to osiągnięcie, a następnie utrzymanie dobrej kondycji oraz dużej i długotrwałej produkcji, przy niskim wskaźniku brakowania.
In the paper, the evolution of nutrition of the sows, as based upon the standards of feeding, in aspect of improving their productivity and optimizing their condition were presented. The mentioned traits decide on the longevity and high life performance of the females. The traditional Polish standards and contemporary national nutritional recommendations were referred to. The examples of recommendations, based on German, Dutch and the US standards were presented. It was stressed that in striving at optimization of pig nutrition, we should consider, i.a. the modern systems of feeds’ evaluation and the nutritional requirements, as specified in standards of feeding. The modern standards are based on a wide knowledge in the field of physiology and genetic value of animals; they consider also environmental factors which have an impact on the animals. In the manuscript, the attention was paid to the fact that the basic mechanisms of programming the embryo and foetus development in mothers, the growth and development of mammary gland, production of colostrum and milk and the postnatal growth and development of progeny was dependent on nutrition. The nutritional recommendations for pregnant and suckled sows during the half of the century were discussed, with the particular attention to their differentiation throughout the mentioned period of time. It was stressed that production and economic premises were the basis for the indicated changes. In the effect of the conducted breeding work, the pigs are characterized by a higher body weight and better gains of muscular tissue and smaller fat reserves. The mentioned traits are typical of the contemporary gilts and the sows utilized for reproduction what creates production problems. The long-time work was oriented to the improvement of the reproduction traits of the pigs; the increased fertility, as being accompanied by nutritional deficiencies and hormonal disturbances may result in disorder in prenatal myogenesis and in the increase and development of the progeny in the postnatal period. The diversified supplementation of the feed for the sows allows limiting the scale of the problem. It was confirmed by the results of many studies where different amino acids and feed additives were employed. There is also a need of diversifying the level and quality of nutrition in the successive stages of reproduction cycle and adapting them to growing but varying requirements of the sows as compared to the past period. Intensively managed sows of modern genotypes require a special care in respect of optimization of nutrition in the particular stages of reproduction cycle. It determines reaching and maintaining good condition and high and long-lasting production, with a low index of culling.