Opisano nowe stanowisko smukwy kosmatej Solia hirta (Schrank, 1781) – rzadko spotykanej błonkówki na terenie Polski, umieszczonej w Polskiej czerwonej księdze zwierząt. Jest to potwierdzenie występowania tego gatunku na Nizinie Wielkopolsko-Kujawskiej i trzecie pewne stanowisko na tym obszarze
Scolia hirta (Schr.) is a hymenopteran insect commonly occurring in dry and sunny environments with sandy soil in the Palearctic region. It is a rare species in Poland but not protected by law. However, it is listed in the Polish Red Data Book of Animals (Invertebrates – Invertebrata) as a vulnerable species (Banaszak 2004). A new location of this rare insect in the Wielkopolska region was discover in Mielno in the vicinity of Gniezno. The habitat of the observed individuals was a lawn with sandy soil. Insects were observed frequently between June and July 2006. They were very active, flying quickly above the very sunny lawn with a shallow hollow. It appears that a fragment of a decaying root from a cut down tree is situated in this place, and probably Scolia hirta parasites on larvae of scarab beetles occurring there. The authors were inspecting this location for three years, and each year individuals of Scolia hirta were observed during the same month and there were no significant changes in the habitat