The aim of this study was to assess vase life of leaves harvested at two dates – in the spring and summer, for 3 cultivars of Heuchera L. following the application of benzyladenine in spraying of maternal plants one day prior to leaf harvest. Leaves of cultivar ‘Southern Comfort’ were most durable, while those of cultivar ‘Purple Petticoats’ – least durable. Leaves harvested in summer had a longer vase life, except for leaves of cultivar ‘Plum Royale’. BA (300 and 600 mg·dm-3) in leaves of cultivar ‘Plum Royale’ improved vase life only in leaves harvested in the summer. BA (100 and 300 mg·dm3) in cultivar ‘Purple Petticoats’ – in leaves harvested in spring, while when used at a concentration of 300 and 600 mg·dm-3 – in those collected in the summer. BA (100–600 mg·dm-3) in cultivar ‘Southern Comfort’ considerably improved vase life of leaves cut in the spring and summer. BA inhibited protein degradation. In the tested cultivars in leaves, harvested in the spring and summer, treated with benzyladenine the content of saccharides was higher.