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2011 | 33 | 6 |

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ROS production and antioxidative system activity in embryotic axes of Quercus robur seeds under different desiccation rate conditions

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The seeds of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) were subjected to slow (S) and rapid (R) desiccation at desiccation rates of 0.16 and 0.39% H₂O per hour, respectively. Till ca. 40% water content (WC) the germination capacity of seeds in the S and R variants was high (ca. 100%). Between 40 and 28% WC, germination capacity declined to 20 and 50% in S and R variants, respectively. The decrease in seed viability was accompanied by a significant increase of electrolyte leakage from embryonic axes (28% for S and 15% for R variants). In the embryonic axes of seeds subjected to slow desiccation, malondialdehyde (MDA) and free fatty acid (FFA) contents were significantly higher than those in R variants, indicating greater membrane damage due to lipid peroxidation. The production of ROS (H₂O₂ and O₂⁻) was significantly higher in S than in R variants. The low molecular weight antioxidants α-tocopherol, ascorbic acid (ASA), and phenolic compounds indicated different reactions in response to desiccation stress. ASA levels decreased during desiccation to a similar degree in both the S and R variants. A significant decrease of total phenols was observed in R variant, which coincided with a significant increase of guaiacol peroxidase (POX) activity. α-Tocopherol content was significantly higher in the embryonic axes of seeds subjected to rapid drying. The activities of the enzymatic scavengers APX and GR had similar runs and were slightly higher in R variant. The activities of POX and SOD were significantly higher in the embryonic axes of seeds subjected to rapid drying. These results show that rapid dehydration of Q. robur seeds leads to the greater mobilization of antioxidant system in embryonic axes, particularly increased levels of α-tocopherol and POX and SOD activities, in the first stages of water loss. This mobilization has a greater impact on maintenance of higher viability of seeds after drying to lower level of WC.

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  • Seed Bichemistry Lab, Institute of Dendrology, polish Academy of Sciences, 62-035 Kornik, Poland
  • Seed Bichemistry Lab, Institute of Dendrology, polish Academy of Sciences, 62-035 Kornik, Poland
  • Seed Bichemistry Lab, Institute of Dendrology, polish Academy of Sciences, 62-035 Kornik, Poland


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