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1962 | 07 | 1-2 |

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Szczątki ryb kostnoszkieletowych z miocenu Górnego Śląska


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Fossil bony fishes from the miocene of upper Silesia, Poland
Ostatki kostnykh ryb iz miocena verkhejj Silezii (Pol'sha)

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Opisano szczątki Teleostei z iłów tortońskich z Krywałdu (Górny Sląsk). Należą one do rodzin: Clupeidae, Gadidae i Xiphiidae. Obecność rodzaju Xiphias L. wskazuje, że iły te tworzyły się w morzu strefy subtropikalnej, lub co najmniej umiarkowanej. Charakterystykę stratygraficzną opracował inż. A. Zieliński.
The occurrence of the bony fishes in the Tertiary deposits of Upper Silesia was recorded by several authors (Knopp, 1934; Makowski, 1935; Krach, 1939, 1956) they have not been, however, so far described. Eight specimens from the families Clupeidae, Gadidae and Xiphiidae are discussed in the present paper. They have all been collected from the Tortonian cląys of Upper Silesia. Family Clupeidae: 5 incomplete skeletons in a state of preservation that does not permit closer identification. Only one specimen, marked 7M, resembles Clupea humilis H. v. Meyer, both in the position of ventral fins and the length of the anal fin whose rays could not be counted. Family Gadidae: 2 incomplete specimens (1M and 2M) may be referred to Gadus macropterygius Kramberger. The length of the vertebral column in specimen 1M is 64 mm; the body height at the first rays of the 3rd dorsal fin and those of the 2nd anal fin is 12.4 mm. The height of the head in the proximity of the opercuia is approx. 22 mm. On specimen 1M the right otolite (fig. 2) has been preserved in situ. Several, rather shallow furrows, occur anteriorly on the dorsal margin of this otolite. The number of rays in the dorsal fins has been approximately determined on the base of the two available specimens. 8 rays have been preserved in the anterior fin, their maximum number could not have been more than 9-10. The 2nd dorsal fin contains 9 rays, there may have been about 12 of them. In the 3rd dorsal fin there are 19 rays. The first anal fin (approx. 25 rays) is distinctly longer than the second one (approx. 16 rays). The first anal fin begins below the end of the first dorsal fin, in which it agrees with the figure published by Kramberger (1883). An error, however, has crept into that author’s description, given in the same paper, as has already been pointed out by Bogaczew (1933). Judging on the structure of the internal side, the otolite in this species comes closer to otolites characteristic of the group Gadus elegans Koken. Family Xiphiidae: the material consists of one fragmentary young specimen of the genus Xiphias L. The length of the preserved portion of the skeleton is 26 cm. The length of a complete specimen, without the rostrum, may have been approx. 50 cm. Zoological literature does not contain descriptions of the skeleton of young individual of this genus. It is known, however (Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831), that the body height of a young individual at the pectoral fins is about 1/10 of the complete length of the body, while in a mature individual it is equal to 1/6 of the body length. In view of such changes, it seems probable that both the vertebral centra, and the neural and hemal processes must also be subject to changes during ontogeny. Neural processes grow to a greater extent than do the other processes. In the living forms of genus Xiphias L. the height of the vertebral centra in mature individuals nearly equals their length. Therefore, observations regarding changes in proportions of body, which occur during ontogeny, suggest that in young forms the vertebral centra ought to be lower, hence similar to those that are present in the specimen under consideration. A rather interesting problem is posed when comparing data on the structure of vertebrae in recent and fossil species of Xiphias L. It concerns changes in the shape of vertebrae and changes in the body contour that are likely to occur in this connection. Since the Krywałd specimen is a young form, it is for the present impossible to determine whether it belongs to forms related with the Oligocene species (Leriche, 1910), whose mature individuals have long vertebrae, or if it rather resembles the recent forms whose mature individuals have short vertebrae. The presence of genus Xiphias L. justifies the supposition that the deposits from which it was obtained, had been formed in a moderate, if not even subtropical climate.
Третичные рыбы Верхней Силезии известны только из мелких заметок в геологической литературе (Кпорр, 1934; Makowski, 1935; Krach, 1939, 1956). В настоящей работе помещено итоги изучения 8 образцов из тортонских глин Кры-валда. В материале установлено присутствие следующих семейств: Clupeidae: 5 неполных скелетов, которых плохая сохранность не позволяет на более точное определение, за исключением особи 7М близкой Clupea humilis Н. v. Meyer. Gadidae: 2 неполные образцы (1М и 2М) принадлежащие к Gadus macropterygius Kramb. У особи 1М находится in situ правый отолит (фиг. 1). Число лучей в трех спинных плавниках, определенное на основании обоих образцов, равняется примерно: для первого - 9-10, для второго до 12, для третьего около 19. Судя по строению внутренней стороны, отолит этого вида приближается к отолитам группы Gadus elegans Koken. Xiphiidae: одиночный фрагмент скелета молодой особи рода Xiphias L. Ввиду отсутствия в зоологической литературе данных, касающихся молодых особей этого рода, можно только предполагать, что тела позвонков, а также невральные и гемальные отростки, изменяли свои пропорции во время роста особи. Предположение это основывается на изменениях общей формы тела у молодых и взрослых Xiphias gladius L. (Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831). Так как образец из Крывалда представляет собой молодую особь, установление ее отношения к олигоценовому виду (Leriche, 1910) с длинными позвонками у взрослых особей, или к современным представителям Xiphias L., у которых взрослым особям свойственны относительно короткие позвонки, - не является возможным.

Słowa kluczowe








Opis fizyczny



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