Artykuł napisany został w oparciu o doświadczenia autorki zebrane w trakcie udziału w pracach Komitetu Ekspertów Rady Europy ds. Promowania Dostępu do Zatrudnienia, w którym to Komitecie była przedstawicielem Polski z delegacji Ministerstwa Gospodarki w latach 1999-2001. Zacytowano wybrane zagadnienia z Raportu Końcowego wieńczącego pracę Komitetu, a także wykorzystano obserwacje własne poczynione w trakcie uczestniczenia w pięciu seminariach, spotkaniach Komitetu, które odbywały się w Strassburgu we Francji.
The Council of Europe identified social cohesion as one of the foremost needs of the wider Europe and an essential complement to the promotion of human rights and dignity. One of the key activities of the Council of Europe 's social cohesion strategy is promoting acces to employment for the many millions Europeans. A Committee of Exsperts on Promoting Accsess to Employment (CS-EM) was set up in 1999 and works until 2001, to develop guidelines on how local development initiatives can help the integration of the longterm unemployed into the labour market with particular reference to the situation in Central and Eastern Europe. The author of these paper was a member of the Committee and some important information and her experiences the paper contains. Some areas are destingvised to analys the barriers and guidelines for polices: local partnership; equal opportunities between men and women; non-discrimination towards disadvantaged groups; entrepreneurship; education, training and life-long learning. Specially, the role of local partnership was analysed.