Diabetes is a metabolic disorder based on uncontrolled blood glucose concentration that affects majority of human population. This disorder causes some pathologies in nervous system that called diabetic neuropathies. As a secondary complication of diabetes, diabetic neuropathies causes damage on peripheral nerves depending on time of diabetes. In this study, experimental type 1 diabetes was induced by injection of streptozotocin (50 mg/kg, i.p.) in rats. Diabetic animals were grouped as 2 and 4 weeks diabetic. Control group animals were received only vehicle of STZ (0.1 M Citrate, pH 4.5). Sciatic nerves of experimental animals were dissected and electrophysiological recording experiments were achieved. Recorded compound action potentials were then analyzed to understand the time dependent effects of diabetes on peripheral nerves. Analysis have shown that, current recording techniques that is used in clinics for diagnoses of neuropathologies, carries less information compared to conduction velocity distribution (CVD) histograms obtained by using single fi ber action potential (SFAP) models. In parameters obtained by using conventional methods, statistically signifi cant changes were fi rst seen in 4th week of diabetes. But, by means of CVD histograms, diabetes induced signifi cant changes could be seen 2nd week of diabetes in slowly conducting fi ber group. So, CVD methods give more information in early diagnosis of neuropathies compared to classical conduction velocity measurements.