The paper presents the comparison of the influence of the season (winter and summer) on the level of damage to trees remaining after the timber harvest during early thinning in young alder stands. The study was carried out in black alder stands aged 38 and 40 years located in north−eastern Poland (Płaska Forest District). Chainsaw logging was performed in the cut−to−length harvest system, while timber was extracted using an agricultural tractor with a trailer with manual timber loading and unloading. The number and share of damaged trees and stand damage rates were estimated in a particular season of the year. Logging resulted in the damage of 8.3% to residual trees. Almost twice as many trees were damaged in summer as in winter (p=0.001). Significantly higher share of trees in 3rd, 4th, and 5th damage classes was found. Only the damage of timber fibers (6th class) did not differ significantly between analyzed seasons. The stand weighted damage rate (W) ranged in winter from 0.12 to 0.38, and in summer between 0.12 and 0.80. In turn, the value of weighted coefficient of damaged trees in the remaining stand amounted to 10.24−60.15 in winter, and 19.07−119.64 in summer. Both W (p<0.01) and WDI (p<0.05) indices were twice higher in the summer than in the winter period.