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Mikroorganizmy wskaźnikowe w ocenie stanu sanitarnego gleby

Treść / Zawartość

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Indicator microorganisms in assessment of soil sanitary condition

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Obecność mikroorganizmów wskaźnikowych w glebie odzwierciedla nie tylko stopień skażenia środowiska glebowego, ale stanowi również informację o potencjalnym ryzyku zanieczyszczenia płodów rolnych i zagrożeniu zdrowia ludzi i zwierząt. Obecnie wybór metod badawczych i kryteriów oceny stanu sanitarnego gleby nadal stanowi istotny problem badań środowiskowych, dlatego też w tej pracy podjęto próbę przedstawienia sposobów oceny jakościowej stanu sanitarnego środowiska glebowego na podstawie wybranych wskaźników mikrobiologicznych. W pracy scharakteryzowano normy i drobnoustroje rekomendowane w ocenie sanitarnej gleby: bakterie grupy coli, Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., paciorkowce kałowe, bakterie przetrwalnikujące redukujące siarczany (IV), Clostridium perfringens.
Soil plays a fundamental role in regulation of amount of pollutants in ecosystems. It can reduce pollution or to immobilize them and thus be used to assess the environment condition in terms of biology. The soil can prevent pollution, until it exceeded its capacity and retained biological activity. The use of living organisms in biomonitoring is extremely useful to assess the condition and contamination of the environment because they are the authoritative and reliable source of information about the processes occurring in the soil. Good bio-indicators can be easy to identify and cultivation organisms, quickly and unambiguously reacting to the changes in the environment, and allowing to assess the degree and direction of changes in the natural environment. Depending on the direction and scope of the environmental research as indicator organisms can be assume the total number of basic groups of microorganisms in the environment (bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes) and also the microorganisms active in many processes as nitrification, denitrification, atmospheric nitrogen fixation and others. Undoubtedly, we should distinguish between bioindicators, which react and detect changes in the environment of those whose presence (zymogens) already proves microbiological contamination of soils. The presence of indicator microorganisms in the soil reflects not only the degree of contamination of the soil environment but also provides information on the potential risk of crops contamination and the threat of human and animal health. Today, range of research methods and evaluation criteria for the sanitary condition of the soil is still a major problem of environmental tests. Though increasingly in the assessment of the environment routinely are used bioindicators this is due to the lack of a universally applicable standard values or reference, selection of appropriate indicators to make an objective assessment of the health of soils often depends on the subjective decision of the investigator. Therefore, this study attempts to show some methods of qualitative assessment of the sanitary condition of the soil environment based on selected microbiological indicators. Good indicators in assessing the state of the environment are microorganisms constantly inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals and pathogens that may constitute a danger to the health people having contact with contaminated soil. The presence of pathogen in the soil may also cause contamination of crops and hence food and feed. Thus, the paper characterizes also the standards and microorganisms recommended in the soil sanitary evaluation, mainly based on number or titre of coliform bacteria, Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Streptococcus faecalis, endospore forming sulfite-reducing bacteria – Clostridium perfringens.

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