In the period 2000–2012, 38.3 % of 950 marked overwintered hazel dormice (Muscardinus avellanarius) were not recaptured at a study site in Lithuania in autumn. As adult dormice are sedentary, it is presumed that those dormice not recaptured died between late April and August. The highest total number of dormice captured for the last time was recorded in May and the lowest in August. The total summer mortality was significantly higher in females (42.5 %) than in males (34.6 %), but it did not depend on dormouse age or body weight. Tawny owl (Strix aluco) is the main known dormouse predator in Lithuania, and likely, it has the highest impact on summer mortality of M. avellanarius. Over the years, the total summer mortality of adult dormice ranged from 27 % to 52 %. The increased summer mortality resulted in decreased total dormouse population density and particularly decreased density of adult females in summer. Decreased densities led to more intensive breeding in the dormouse population, specifically breeding by young-of-the-year females, a pattern that is not common for this species. The number of breeding cases by young-of-the-year females was inversely related to the density of adult overwintered females in summer and to the number of breeding cases of these females. Breeding by young-of-the-year females was the main factor in the restoration of decreased population density in summer. Lithuanian populations of M. avellanarius are unique in their high proportion of breeding cases by young-of-the-year females amongst all populations investigated in the entire species distributional range.