The paper presents data on 22 localities of Crocothemis erythraea recorded in Poland in 2009 (Fig. 1). 20 localities are completely new which corresponds with 40% of contemporary known so far ones (Bernard et al. 2009). Data is given from the South Greater Poland Lowland in western Poland (4 localities) as well as different regions in south-eastern Poland (18 localities). The species occupied wide spectrum of habitats. Those were in general: fish ponds, sand, gravel and clay excavations, in a lesser degree - peat excavations, natural and anthropogenic small water bodies, a canal, a regulated small river, a peat bog lake and two eutrophic lakes. However, the majority of key features of those habitats was suitable for the optimum of C. erythraea (Fig. 2). The localities in Wielkopolska (Great Poland) are situated in the region where C. erythraea has already been recorded and two of the described populations last for 2-3 years. Abundant data from southeastern Poland has different meaning - it shows that the central part of this area (the Lublin Region) has just started to be intensively colonised. Despite many researches, only three localities of C. erythraea have been known from his area: historical one (Fudakowski 1932) and two from the years 2007-2008 (Bernard et al. 2009; Buczyn- ski unpubl. data). The intensity of migration in 2009 is well pictured by the fact that in the best examined area (51°10'-51°25' N, 22°44'-23°'07 E) C. erythraea was found up to 20% of all studied localities. Authors link the strengthening of the presence of C. erythraea in Wielkopolska and colonisation of the Lublin Region with the recent occurrence of stable populations to the north of the arc of the Carpathian Mts. - their migrating individuals towards the north do not have to cross a mountain barrier. Imagines of the second generation of C. erythraea observed in September were reproductively active at rather low temperatures as for this species (ca. 20°C in shadow). Last dates of observations are also interesting (the third decade of September) - the latest in Poland so far, however, quite similar to data from Czech Republic and the Ukraine as well as a bit earlier from the latest observations in Bavaria.