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2016 | 57 Special Volume |

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Competency enterprise management in the context of European integration

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In this article it was systematized the theoretical basis of competency enterprise management. In the context of European integration, a significant attention is granted to the formation and practical use of competency in the management of Ukrainian enterprises. The complexity of these definitions as management, competency management and competency enterprise management characterized by a large number of definitions, methods, principles, types that do not always reflect the change in their substance under the influence of macro and micro factors. Due to the fact that the concept of “competence” reflects to a greater extent the ability of an employee on the basis of its existing knowledge and skills to solve complex problems he should resolve, it is graduallyreplacing the concept of “qualification”, but, consequently, the concept of “competence” is broader than “qualification”.The scientific instrumentation of the HR-manager is based on the use of the compound of the specific principles that are closely related to the laws, but not objectively existing in the nature, and are created in the process of the knowledge systematisation. The principles must comply with the general term of the management andits constituent elements: objectives, methods, tools and effects, as well as the policies of the subject and object of development management of the enterprise.Competency-based management is a process of binding of all of the necessary components of the enterprise through the implementation of management functions to achieve a certain result by taking into consideration the current “management knowledge” and “managerial competences” by managers in a changing environment

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  • National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine


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1st INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, dilemmas of scientific research in various fields of science: natural sciences, science and technology, economic and social sciences, humanistic sciences, 10th October, 2016, Cracow, Poland

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