This paper evaluates the influence of the use of methods of Molinia meadows in eastern Poland on changes in its biodiversity and species composition. Research was carried out in 2006-10 on Molinia meadows near Uściwierz lake, located in the Pojezierze Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie (Lake District). The studied complex was classified to [Selino carvifoliae-Molinietum] meadows. Meadows were used in a specific method: 1. 1-cut meadow (June), 2. 1-cut meadow (June) + grazing (August), 3. abandoned meadow (since 2000). The above-mentioned methods of use caused the transformation of the typical structure of Selino-Molinietum meadow. I observed the initial succession of forest associations with a large share of Salix rosmarinifolia and Betula pubescens on unused meadow. The highest share of the characteristic species of the Selino-Molinietum association was characterized by abandoned meadow.