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2009 | 01 | 2 |

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Having children and physical activity level and other types of pro-health behaviour of women from the perspective of the theory of Planned Behaviour

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The subject of the paper is pro-health behaviour of women (N=477) who have children (N=124) and those who have no children (N=353). The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) by Icek Ajzen, in the light of which the differences in the health behaviour level of the sample group are considered, constitutes the theoretical basis of this work. The research group consisted of women at the age of 19-36 (M=27, 5 yrs of age SD=4 yrs of age). The Health and Behaviour Survey Questionnaire by Steptoe and Wardle was used for the measurement. Four scales of healthy behaviour values, i.e., taking up physical activity, avoiding addictions, hygienic and medical behaviour and nutritional habits were analysed.As a result of the comparison, it appears that childless women demonstrated a significantly higher physical activity level (M=263.03) compared to women who have children (M=170.58) at the significance level (p=0.001). As far as the hygienic and medical behaviour is concerned, a significantly higher level was observed in the group of women who have children (M=261.15) than in the group of childless women (M=231.22) at the significance level (p=0.037).Further research should focus on the determination of the influence of subjective norm change (knowledge) on the health activities undertaken by women.

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  • Jedrzej Sniadecki Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland
  • Jedrzej Sniadecki Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland


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