Thor, P. J. Sendur, R. and Laskiewicz, J.: Effect of stimulation of the vagus nerves and vagotomy on myoelectric activity of small bowel. Acta Physiol. Pol., 1989, 40 (2): 255-261. Experiments have been done on conscious dogs (6 animals) to study vagal 'influences on small bowel motility. First group (3 dogs) was prepared with gastric and esophageal fistulas, the second group (3 dogs) with gastric fistulas. Both groups had mono- polar silver electrodes placed along small bowel. Stimulation of vagus with sham feeding (SF) increased MMC period of about 21°/o. Insulin and 2DG infused intravenously increased MMC period at lower dose Tange and in high doses induced fed-like pattern of motility. Supradiaphragmatic vagotomy done in the second group animals does not change significantly fasted as well as fed motility pattern. These data suggest that central and peripheral vagal input is required for inhibition MMC activity and development fed motility pattern.