The study on water erosion in young-glacial catchment of the Chwalimski Potok (upper Parsęta tributary, Western Pomerania) conducted in years 1994-96 and 2007-09 on surfaces of experimental plots under different land use, shows that the most important factors intluencing the rainsplash magnitude are: 1) a type of vegetation and its stage of growth, 2) changing physical state of the ground surface, and 3) agrotechnical treatments. The study allows to compare erosion measurements taken in field during systematic stationary observations with values calculated in empirical modeling. According to the empirical model of Wainwright et al. (1985), the mean annual volume of relocated soil on a slope due to rainsplash was bracketed between 1,58 and 2,83 kg m⁻². However, the field measurements taken on the black fallow revealed rainsplash erosion of 3,25 kg m⁻². The use of empirical models in assessing the magnitude of rainsplash calls for detailed data on kinetic energy of rain during the study period.