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2016 | 25 | 6 |

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Mineral constituents of edible field parasol (Macrolepiota procera) mushrooms and the underlying substrate from upland regions of Poland: bioconcentration potential, intake benefits, and toxicological risk

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This paper presents analytical and scientific monitoring data on the bioconcentration potential of trace elements and mineral compounds in Macrolepiota procera collected from background areas in upland regions of central Poland. The contents of Ag, Al, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Pb, Rb, Sr, and Zn in caps and stipes (99 specimens) and underlying soil substrates were examined by ICP-OES and Hg by CV-AAS after wet digestion. The results showed that M. procera is a rich source of especially Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, and Zn. The contents of Pb, Hg, Ag, and Cd in the caps were 1.7±0.6 to 5.9±1.7, 1.8±0.8 to 5.3±0.8, 1.2±0.7 to 16±7, and 0.56±0.13 to 4.9±5.4 mg kg-1 dry matter, respectively. Probable dietary intake assessment showed that occasional consumption (once a week) of Macrolepiota procera caps could be safe, while consumption more than once a week could provide doses of toxic metals that exceed the provisionally allowed daily intake limits for humans.

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  • Gdansk University, 63 Wita Stwosza Str., 80-308 Gdansk, Poland
  • Gdansk University, 63 Wita Stwosza Str., 80-308 Gdansk, Poland
  • Gdansk University, 63 Wita Stwosza Str., 80-308 Gdansk, Poland
  • Gdansk University, 63 Wita Stwosza Str., 80-308 Gdansk, Poland
  • Abia State University, Uturu, Abia State, Nigeria
  • Gdansk University, 63 Wita Stwosza Str., 80-308 Gdansk, Poland


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