The presented manuscript elaborates on the values preferred by children at a younger school age. In integrated education, the issues of values are inscribed into a wider context, not only school but also educational one, as well as into an axiological context in pedagogy. The manuscript is composed of a theoretical and empirical section. The theoretical section covers literature on the subject and depicts basie problems of axiology. In this section, additionally, the concept of value was defined, selected theories referring to the hierarchy of values were presented and the significance of value in education was depicted. The manuscript addresses issues referring to the perception of values by children at the younger school age. The modeling of specified values proceeds in the course of the upbringing process. The comprehension of morał concepts is strictly linked with the intellectual maturity of pupils. Values preferred by the children at the younger school age were presented based on a survey conducted amongst III class pupils. In the study, use was madę of a technique “Draw and write” elaborated based on a technique of T. Williams, N. Wetton and A. Moon from the University of Sauthampton. Based on the analysis of drawings depicting values most estimated by the pupils, it may be concluded that the most preferred values to them are: family, religious values (God, Jesus), love, home, education, friendship, and health.