The research was carried out in two companies of the Agricultural Property Agency in Żołędnica and Żydowo situated in the Wielkopolskie voivodeship. The performance traits were estimated on flocks of Berrichone, Suffolk and Charolaise - the sheep of meat breeds. In respect of reproduction traits, their low values were observed, especially in flock of Suffolk, what indicates the need to run breeding work with the aim to increase the frequency of twin’ births. The obtained results pointed to the directions for further improvement of meat breeds of the sheep, kept in the companies of the Agricultural Property Agency in relation to the improvement of reproduction traits as well as meatiness and fatness of carcasses. Moreover, the need of performing ultrasound measurements on live sheep has been indicated, especially towards the improvement of conformation traits, supported with the breeding work which should be based on the import of breeding rams of above mentioned sheep breeds from the countries where the intensive evaluation of these breeds Is carried out in the performance stations, e.g. France. Crossbreeding of Polish Merino ewes with rams of meat breeds, especially with Berrichone and Charolaise, being kept by the companies of the Agricultural Property Agency, resulted in the improvement of carcass quality, as measured by the EUROP classification system according to the market and trade requirements as well as the improvement of meat quality; the both reasons argue for the further breeding and performance improvement for the needs of the national sheep breeding in Poland.