The aim of the study was to determine the state of stocking Polish inland waters with European eel in 2011. Seventy-one enterprises conducting fisheries in 301,522 ha of waters, of which 92,429 ha were in the Oder basin and 209,093 ha were in the Vistula basin, were surveyed with questionnaires. The number of reared eel released into the waters was 3.8 individuals ha"1 with a mean individual weight of 36 g and a value of 8.94 PLN ha"1, while 84% of the total surface area of the waters analyzed was stocked with eel. Using material from importers and/or producers of eel stocking material, enterprises exploiting inland waters and the implementation of the Polish Eel Management Plan saw the release into Polish waters of 27,843 kg (2,737,974 individuals) of eel fry, including 15,645 kg (2,528,521 individuals) of eel with individual body weights of up to and including 10 g.