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Late Tortonian bryozoans from Mut Basin, Central Anatolian Plateau, southern Turkey

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Sixteen bryozoan species have been identified in the Başyayla section, Mut Basin, southern Turkey. Five of these species are described here, including two new to science representing new genera: Basyaylella elsae gen. et sp. nov. and Ostrovskia triforamina gen. et sp. nov. The other three described species (Exidmonea sp., Biflustra savartii, and Margaretta sp.) show unusual features that have not been reported previously. Based on bryozoan data, the Başyayla sequence represents a tropical to subtropical, normal marine environment, with seafloor composed of fine sedimentary particles in a low−energy setting.








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  • Department of Paleontology, National Museum, Vaclavske nam.68, CZ-115 79 Prague 1, Czech Republic
  • National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Private Bag 14901, Kilbirnie, Wellington, New Zealand


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