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Gestational length in Carthusian broodmares: effect of breeding season, foal gender, age of mare, year of parturition, parity and sire

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The length of gestation in Carthusian broodmares was calculated on the basis of 339 spontaneous full-term deliveries taking place in the 8-year period 1998-2005 from 158 broodmares and 29 stallions in a major farm of Spanish horses of Carthusian strain in southern Spain. Ultrasonography was used to determine follicular dehiscence, 1st day of pregnancy and to confirm conception in mares. Mean GL was 332.4 ± 12.1 days, and a normal interval of 297-358 days was established for this breed. GL records were grouped on the basis of foal sex (colts or fillies), mating month (between November and January; February and April; May and July), age of the mare (4 to 7 years; 8 to 12 years; 13 to 17 years), breeding year, stallion and parity (primiparous vs. multiparous). GLs were 12.9 days shorter in mares mated between May and July than those mated between November and January and 15.3 days in mares mated between February and April (p<0.001). Mares aged between 8-12 years had 5.3 days shorter GLs than those aged between 13-17 years (p<0.05). Pregnancy was significantly 5.7 days longer when the mare gave birth to colts than fillies (p<0.05). GL was 14.5 days longer in primiparous than in multiparous mares (p<0.001). No statistical differences in GL were found between the studied years. This study shows the influence of certain stallion on GL.








Opis fizyczny



  • Department of Animal Medicineand Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary, CEU- Cardenal Herrera University, Avd. Seminary s/n, 46-113 Moncada, Valencia, Spain


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