A significant increase in the incidence of obesity, which has taken place in recent years caused that began to talk about the epidemic of obesity. This problem is characteristic of highly developed countries. Increasingly, also occurs in developing countries, including Polish. It occurs in all age groups and in almost all social groups. The disease is currently diagnosed in almost 25% of the Polish population. Increasingly, it is also diagnosed in young women and pregnant women. The literature increasingly emphasized the importance of obesity in disorders of insemination and proper implantation the fertilized ovum. For women who are overweight and obese, more often than women with normal body weight, comes to ovulation disorders and disturbances in the proper implantation of the fertilized ovum. These disorders result from the accumulation of adipose tissue and hormonal disorders resulting from them. Influence on fertility of women have not only expressed as their body weight BMI, but also as the content in the body fat and its distribution. The higher the fat content in the body making it harder and longer may be infertility treatment. It also noted the relationship between fat distribution and duration of treatment of infertility and its effect. More and more often also emphasized the importance of incorrect diets in young women as a factor in reducing fertility. This article is an attempt to collect and characterize the major causes of infertility seen in young women who are overweight or obese.