Dwa nowe stanowiska mieczyka dachówkowatego Gladiolus imbricatus L. odkryto w okolicach Radomia: na wilgotnej łące (zbiorowisko Holcus lanatus-Polygonum bistorta ze związku Calthion palustris) koło Janiszewa oraz na łące ziołoroślowej (zespół Geranio-Filipenduletum ze związku Filipendulo-Petasition) w sąsiedztwie miejscowości Trablice. Zachowanie populacji mieczyka dachówkowatego wymaga aktywnej ochrony jego siedlisk poprzez regularne koszenie i usuwanie podrostu drzew i krzewów.
Gladiolus occurs at dispersed localities of the Polish lowland, and much more often at lower altitudes in mountains and on southern highlands. Recently, two new localities of this species were discovered near Radom, in the valleys of little creeks. One of them is located near the village of Janiszew, in wet meadow (the Holcus lanatus-Polygonum bistorta community, the Calthion palustris alliance). The other one is located near the village of Trablice in the tall herb meadow (the Geranio-Filipenduletum association, the Filipendulo-Petasition alliance). The preservation of the Gladiolus' population within the said localities requires active protection by regular, late mowing and inhibition of the succession by cutting the trees and bushes.