Little information exists on the nesting of hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in the harsh northern environment, although this aspect has specific importance for the species’ survival in this region. We studied the nest types and nesting site selection of radio tagged hedgehogs in urban areas in Eastern Finland. Altogether, four different nest types were discovered and one of them (the pre-hibernation nest) is described here for the first time. Hedgehogs preferred residential areas for nesting during the mating and post-mating seasons while in the pre-hibernation season and hibernation period nesting was more common in forest areas. Nest constructions were closely related to materials found in the nest vicinity. During the active period, males used on average 24 nests and changed them 30 times, whereas females used 17 nests and changed them 26 times. The number of female nests and frequency of nest change increased from post-mating to pre-hibernation seasons, while in males both decreased. In general, female and male nests were situated within their established long-term home range, but in the pre-hibernation season over 30 % of male nests were situated outside of it. In post-mating and pre-hibernation seasons, females avoided other individuals of the same sex; this was demonstrated by the lack of nests in other female core areas. Hedgehogs hibernate for around 223 days, which is the longest reported hibernation period for this species. The results of the present study emphasise the importance of forest and diverse residential areas including forest patches for the hedgehog’s nesting habitat.