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2007 | 76 | 1 |

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Southern Cricket Eumodicogryllus bordigalensis (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) in the Czech Republic: new records and notes on the biology and stridulation

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Recently, the population of Eumodicogryllus bordigalensis consisting of more than ten males has been observed in Novosedly railway station in the most south-eastern part of the Czech Republic during 2004-2006. The individuals occupied railway embankment composed of coarse grit. Single male was found on other place at Mušlov sand pit. In southern Moravia, this species probably occurs on the northern edge of its range. The adults occur from the beginning of June to the beginning of September. The calling song of males of E. bordigalensis from Novosedly consists of long, uninterrupted sequence of syllables which lasts several minutes. The normal duration of syllables were 0.122-0.149 s, they are consisted of 11-13 impulses and the carrier frequency shows a band between 4.6-15.5 KHz.








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  • Forestry and Game Management Research Institute, Office Frydek-Místek, Nadrazní 2811, CZ-73802 Frydek-Místek


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