W pracy przedstawiono nowe, naturalne stanowisko śnieżycy wiosennej Leucoium vernum L. w liczbie ośmiu kęp, stwierdzone w łęgu jesionowo-wiązowym Fraxino-Ulmetum niedaleko Dziewiczej Góry koło Poznania. Obok stanowiska śnieżycy wiosennej z rezerwatu „Śnieżycowy Jar” koło Siarczanowa odnalezione stanowisko należy do najbardziej północnych w Polsce
A new, previously unknown occurrence site of Leucoium vernum L. was found in the region of Wielkopolska in 2007. The site is situated in the Puszcza Zielonka Landscape Park, about 500 meters to the east of the forester’s lodge Annowo, about 2 km to the north-east of Dziewicza Góra (a hill) and about 15 km to the south-east of the most northward location of Leucoium vernum in Poland (the nature reserve “Śnieżycowy Jar” near Starczanowo). The observed population consists of 8 tufts with single-flower specimens. Plants grow in ash-elm forest (Fraxino-Ulmetum) along both sides of a ditch. The greatest risks to this attractive, early spring plant are posed by people picking the flowers and removing the whole plant specimens to their home gardens