Rolnictwo ekologiczne jest systemem zróżnicowanym pod względem ekologicznym, ekonomicznym i społecznym w skali kraju, regionu i wsi. W przeciwieństwie do typowego, intensywnego rolnictwa nie obciąża ono środowiska. Ponadto rozwój rolnictwa ekologicznego umożliwia przetrwanie wsi i rolnictwa jako kategorii społecznych i kulturowych i jest odpowiedzią na wyzwania jakie niesie XXI wiek i potrzeba racjonalnego korzystania z dóbr przyrody.
Due to growing ecological public awareness a development of organic agriculture in Poland started in 1990 with 27 certificates issued by the first organic farmer's association, called EKOLAND. Presently the number of organic farms is over 600 with total area of44.885,92 ha. The rapid increase of the organic farm 's number in last two years was possible thanks to establishing a direct subsidies for organic farms in 1999. Poland has a great potential as a producer of organic food, but lack of organization of the small farms is the one of the biggest constraint on the development of the export sector. Nevertheless the interest in organic food is raising and more and more consumers want to buy the highest quality food products which are safe for health. This impalas that the number of applications for the transformation offarms into organic is increasing continuously.